- Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? 你不屈膝能摸到你的脚指头吗?
- Can you touch your toes(= bend and reach them with your hands)? 你弯腰够得着你的脚趾吗?
- Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees ? 你能弯下腰、不屈膝摸着你的足趾吗?
- Can you bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees? 你能弯下腰、不屈膝摸着你的足趾吗?
- Can you touch your toes? 你能触摸你的脚趾?
- Can you touch your toes?(= by bending over while keeping your legs straight) 你把腿伸直做体前屈手能够到脚趾吗?
- Is that hair up there up there? What's that on the top of your head? Can you touch your hair? 你能碰到你的头发吗?
- Touch your toes without bending your knees. 用手够到你的脚趾,膝盖别弯曲。
- Can you touch the ground without bending your knees? 你能不弯膝盖用手够着地吗?
- Touch your toes without bending your knees! 试着不屈膝去够你的脚趾!
- Can you bend down and to your toes without bending your knees? 你能弯下腰,不屈膝而碰到你的脚尖吗?
- Touch your hair and shake your toes. 触摸你的头发,晃动你的脚趾头。
- Touch your toes with your gingers three times. 用你的手指摸脚趾三次。
- Can you touch the top of the door? 你能碰到门顶吗?
- Be coy and timid.Whisper as you touch your man. 抚摸男人的时候在他耳边低语。
- Try to bend down and touch your toes without bending your knees. 试着不屈膝而弯腰触摸脚趾。
- Stop, drop, and roll. - and touch your toes, it keeps on burnin up. - More and more. 停止,起舞,摇摆。把手放在地上,继续燃烧,越燃越旺。
- How can you justify your rude behaviour? 你怎能为你粗鲁的行为辩护?
- So gimme the rhythm and it'll be off with they clothes, then bend over to the front and touch your toes. 给我一些节奏,帮我褪去他们的衣服,然后他们弯下腰去够脚趾头。